Engage. Retain.

Connect with your customers. Anytime. Anywhere. Drive business outcomes.

It's all about your existing customers.

With privacy changes and growing competition, customer acquisition costs are rising. Make the most from your existing customers. Go beyond simple spend-to-earn rewards. Create personalized experiences and engagement. Drive revenue with rich attribution.

It's all about your existing customers.

Acquire customers anywhere with a simple QR code. Frictionless experience to acquire tokens. On the phone, no app required. Activate benefits with the Faro Passport on mobile, web, in-store, or at partner locations.


Launch a Loyalty Program.

Customize the benefits
Every NFT is unique. Just like the customer who owns it. Create benefits that match your customers.
Set up the rules
Define when & where the benefits can be accessed. Which NFT/collection gets it. For how long.
Activate instantaneously
Enable the benefits to users immediately. As easy as push notifications.

Faro Passport on Mobile.

Transport your digital collectible / NFT into your mobile wallet to unlock unique benefits IRL. Get rewarded in real-time based on digital and in-person engagement.

Enhanced protection from the native security of iOS and Android.


Access your pass anywhere right on your homescreen.

IRL Utility

Access token-gated experiences for your NFTs with ease.


Empowering Brands to build in Web3.

Loyalty. Digital Twins. Promotions. Engagement.
More effective with Faro.


Create Digital Collectibles or import from anywhere. No code required. Enable gasless minting & claiming. No platform fees either.


Set up your programs & rules. Or, we can integrate with your systems. Customize them for relevance and to maximize impact.


Tie the Digital Collectible to the Faro Passport to enable utility for holders. Distribute anywhere. Engage everywhere.

Our partners and friends